Useful Plugins for JetBrains IDE

Useful Plugins for JetBrains IDE

Why these 5 JetBrains IDE plugins should be on your radar?

Essential Plugins for JetBrains IDE

As a programmer, productivity is key to my success. One thing that can slow me down is manually formatting and locating code blocks in my code. Fortunately, JetBrains IDE has some amazing plugins that can make programming easier and more enjoyable. In this post, I’m going to recommend some essential plugins that I believe every programmer should have.

1. Indent Rainbow

Indent Rainbow helps to identify indent levels by adding different colors to each level. This makes it easier for developers to locate code blocks visually. The plugin supports popular languages such as Java, Kotlin, and Scala. If you’re working on a project with a lot of nested code, Indent Rainbow is a must-have.

2. Rainbow Brackets

Rainbow Brackets is another plugin that makes programming easier. It adds different colors to the brackets and braces in your code, making it easier to identify matched pairs. This plugin helps developers avoid syntax errors and makes code more readable. If you’re tired of manually identifying matching brackets, Rainbow Brackets will save you time and frustration.

3. Rainbow CSV

Rainbow CSV provides color highlighting for CSV files. It helps developers easily identify and navigate through tabular data. This plugin is particularly useful when working with large CSV files that can be hard to read. Rainbow CSV supports sorting, filtering, and searching data within the file, making it easier to organize your data.

4. Key Promoter X

Key Promoter X is a plugin that helps developers memorize keyboard shortcuts. Whenever you use the mouse to perform a task that has a shortcut, Key Promoter X will inform you and suggest the shortcut. This plugin is particularly useful for new developers who are still learning keyboard shortcuts. As you get used to the shortcuts, you’ll find yourself working more efficiently and quickly.

5. EduTools

Finally, EduTools is a plugin designed for education purposes. It provides various tools that help students and instructors learn and teach programming. The plugin offers exercises for various languages, which can be customized to suit different levels of difficulty. EduTools also has support for IDEs such as IntelliJ IDEA, PyCharm, and WebStorm. If you’re looking to improve your programming skills, EduTools is a great tool.

In conclusion, JetBrains IDE has some amazing plugins that can make programming easier and more enjoyable. These plugins include Indent Rainbow, Rainbow Brackets, Rainbow CSV, Key Promoter X, and EduTools. If you’re a developer using JetBrains IDE, I highly recommend that you give these plugins a try. They’ll help you improve your productivity, avoid common syntax errors, and become a more efficient programmer.

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